Meet Chantelle

One of the most exciting things about being a startup is building our team from scratch – drawing together our inner circle to help us realize our vision and grow our company and culture.

Over the next few months, we want to introduce you to our inner circle at Ground Truth Ag –starting with Chantelle Rogowski.

Chantelle’s farm is nearby the one where we conducted the first field tests of our prototype this last August.

“I could drive ten minutes to work instead of an hour,” she laughed, as we sat down in her office to talk about her experiences helping us to develop a new technology that will provide farmers with the same quality of grain testing as they get in a lab – but in real time as they combine.

“It’s exciting because we’re just starting,” she said. “It will be neat to see all the different changes that will happen – and seeing everyone’s work that they are putting into it, and how that is coming together to build this new invention.”

Chantelle has stepped comfortably into the role of project coordinator, getting everyone and everything organized and moving smoothly. In the three months that she has worked for Ground Truth Ag, she’s made herself an invaluable part of the team.

“I was looking for something different, and then Kyle reached out and said if I wanted something different, Ground Truth Ag had a spot for me,” Chantelle said. “I didn’t know anything about the company when I started but it’s what I was looking for.”

When asked about what she does in her spare time, Chantelle proves the adage that if you want something done, ask a busy person. Chantelle also co-owns and operates a gymnastics club with her sister. Open since 2019, the club has grown exponentially each year, accepting athletes aged two to 12 years of age.

“We both enjoy it – we do everything - the lesson plans, the finances and the coaching,” the Kinesiology grad said while laughing. “We don’t have a lot of spare time.”

If she did have spare time, Chantelle would like to get crafty either making wooden signs or learning photography. Luckily, she does have the chance to relax while camping, and loves to head to the mountains to go snowboarding in the winter.

When asked about what she likes best about Ground Truth Ag, she indicated she likes the people. “The atmosphere in the office is awesome. Everyone is willing to help out, pitch in however they are needed and are really friendly.”


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